Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Evolution of the Web

Whomever can see the big picture as to where the web is going towards next, will be in a great place to change the world. So, here is my perception of how this evolution has occurred till now. Where is it going to next? I have my predictions but I rather state what I know.

1st Generation Web - Static websites where information provides created a portal by which information seekers can get information. Far from real time, the websites are simply a means of communicating static information and contact information. For example, a static website where using HTML, data is displayed to the user.

2nd Generation Web - Dynamic content where information is generated by users and placed on the web by users. Information is as fresh depending on the user's motivation to keep it up to date but a huge amount of information now is added onto the web. For example, someone can quickly create a blog or video channel to post their activities or latest business information.

3rd Generation Web (This is where we are now) - Networking between users to generate information and to relate information. Not only is the information fresh but relational information is captured as part of the information. This makes every other aspect that uses this information far more powerful since a great degree of context can be built around this information. For example, pictures posted by someone are now tied to the location of that person and possibly even the real time location depending on whether the picture was uploaded through the person's phone.

4th Gen - ????

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Commenting on the Web

Everything on the web is now "commentable". Notice that user comments, ratings, likes and moderating has become not only common place but necessary to maintain user participation and interest. People will be interested if they have input into the site. Creating an environment that allows users to contribute to the content and view the effectiveness of their contribution is necessary for websites to maintain their relevance.

I looked at Disqus which is probably the leading commenting engine provider that is used on huge websites such as CNN and MTV. Although the behind the scenes complexity to enable this engine is enormous (as you can see here - ), the user experience has much to be desired. I feel that a revolutionary new method is necessary to enable this participation to the fullest extent. It seems that current commenting engines only provide the ability to present comments and maybe 2 levels down in terms of a discussion tree.

More on this after I come up with a better solution...

Giving Aid to Suffering Countries?

I think providing aid in the form of $$ is counter productive. It gives more power the government and those who have control. This causes even more inequity that then causes the social issues that underpin terrorism. My recommendation is to send NO money, rather send people, experts and those who can help those in need while also showing them our good heart and influencing others through their inherent good will.

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Debt - the good, bad and the ugly

Debt...Its an interesting tool that creates so much yet can be so destructive. The US has had debt flow through its veins for the past 20 years and looks like it will continue to do so for the foreseeable future. This debt has been the ultimate source of productivity and growth during this time. However, the problem starts when debt is either unpaid on time or forgiven (e.g. bankruptcy). Now, resources that were initially allocated for a product or service suddenly disappear into thin air. I call this resource erosion. It creates a vicious cycle of destruction. The more erosion, the more businesses fail, the greater the loss of productivity and hence fueling even more erosion. Just like a cliff that undergoes erosion and finally results in a massive landslide. This is what has and is occurring in the US economy. The US has already lost an immeasurable number of person years of productivity due to this. Our landslide will come unless we turn things around.

What causes it? The ineffective use of debt. Use of debt for intangible goods is probably the biggest culprit. Houses are a perfect example of an intangible good. The house itself has tangible value but the land is extremely hard to quantify. People who buy expensive houses in high priced locations - be very very careful !! Do so only if you can afford to pay off your debt appropriately.

Solutions? We need a serious change in the culture of spending. Debt must be used extremely carefully for only proven or at least very likely to be productive activities. Simplify your life. Instead of buying a house or buying a new car using debt, use the money to start a business, get an education or just be productive. Buy using cash you have or know that you will have.

This issue is pervasive and is highly co-dependent. I.e. Another person's debt is held together by many, many others. More than ever, each of us needs to help each other, encourage each other to be productive and reduce our dependency on debt. Let us hope that we do so sufficiently to avoid the landslide!
